Monday, November 11th, 2002: Do-Si-Do

The Spector Saga, Part 5: Warren Spector's Head on a Pike Tastes Like Chicken To current comic Justin's Debut!

'ello, 'ello
2002-11-11 00:32:18
by: apon

With The Spector Saga complete, Rego wanted a bit of a break from the art duties. I was originally supposed to do another PGA, but, well, that doesn't seem to have happened. Enjoy!


Mr. Pibb Rocks!
2002-11-11 00:46:01
by: regolith
'nuff said!

I've been looking at using mzScheme as a scripting language for Dama2 (which is not supposed to have a scripting language), and it looks neato so far. It's pretty darn easy to add functions from C, but I still have to see how hard it is to work C++ objects into its object system. We could also just use it for a command interpreter (console) instead of using it for AI. I'm gonna try to make a console with it now or tomorrow or whatever.


Tornado Storms Make Me a Sad Panda
2002-11-11 03:21:55
by: regolith
I am here:



2002-11-11 11:31:40
by: apon

Come talk to me when somebody takes a sniper round just down the street from you. :-p

Between Oklahoma (part of the fabulous Tornado Alley) and the lovely hurricanes of Florida, a rainstorm in Atlanta doesn't doesn't really phase me...


Penny Arcade
2002-11-11 11:37:55
by: apon

According to our good friend Tycho, Megatokyo has been "punctuat[ing] the silence with what amounts to a stroke-mag for pedophiles." Would someone mind pointing this out to me? I sure as hell can't find it. I mean, after the overwhelming success we enjoyed with Hideo Kojima's Double Entendre and Patriotic Duty, I think we owe it to our readers to point them towards the valuable resource Piro is apparently providing.


*sniff* Meany!
2002-11-11 12:58:42
by: regolith
Hey, storms are God's sniper rounds!

I'm thinking the P-A thing was probably just hyperbole employed toward some humorous end...


Well, Yeah
2002-11-11 15:53:03
by: apon

The problem was, it wasn't funny. I thought it was pretty funny up until the pedophile bit, then it just confused me. I mean, I don't recall ever seeing any children at all in Megatokyo, do you? I guess stuff involving Yuki could possibly be considered hebephilic, but even that would be stretching it a bit (okay, a lot). *sigh* My annoyance may come more from that fact that I want to like PA, but that comics aren't funny all that often nowadays, and Tycho seems set on saying something fairly stupid on a regular basis. Oh well.

Is hebephilia even an actual recognized psychological condition, or is it just an interesting way of classifying some people's predilictions? I don't know. If somebody wants to buy me a copy of the DSM and maybe a subscription to Psychology Today, I'll get back to you on it.


2002-11-11 21:01:26
by: apon

Rolling Stone <3 RIAA


One world currency, my ass!
2002-11-12 12:34:30
by: regolith
Ouchies! The €12.00 I paid to renew this domain name cost $12.38! Those bastards!


Watch Out!
2002-11-12 23:59:20
by: apon

Be careful around Rego -- he seems to be hallucinating about television shows that have never existed. If you're not careful, he may spread his disease to you as well!


Mega Cover Art
2002-11-13 03:05:26
by: regolith
It DOES exist! I swear I wasn't imagining it! Was I? no! Was I? no! Was I? yes! What!? Who said that? you're talking to yourself, stupid! Whew, thought I was crazy for a minute, there.

re: Today's MT cover art mockup, doesn't piro's right arm look like it's on wrong or something??? Maybe he's wearing his shirt backwards like the pedophile he is!


Ow! My Neck!
2002-11-13 09:39:24
by: apon

Well, if he was wearing the shirt backwards that would mean that he's wearing his head backwards as well. That might hurt a little bit.

Really though, am I alone in thinking that the sketch they've been using as placeholder cover art was much better than this? I mean, in this one Piro is deformed, Largo looks like a retarded eight year old, and the cropping where Kimiko's legs / dress hit the bottom looks really bad.


2002-11-13 17:03:09
by: apon

Note to MS/FASA Studio -- INVERT X AXIS!!! For fuck's sake man, are you trying to make this game impossible to play?


2002-11-13 20:48:15
by: apon very fun. I've only played the first three or four missions, but I've already had the opportunity to squish lowly soldiers, watch mechs go up in flames, and demolish entire cities. I can't wait to get this thing online when Live launches on Friday.

Don't worry too much about the x-axis thing, you get used to it after a little while. It's really all Mario's fault anyway. :-/


Not quite what I was expecting
2002-11-14 08:27:37
by: apon

Apparently, DOAX == Best Game Evar!


2002-11-14 18:05:49
by: regolith
w00t, I'm a productive member of society now! Or at least, more productive than when I was a cashier at BJ's... Logical Integrations basically called me up last night and said, "If you want a job in web development, come down here tomorrow." So I came, and here I am with a job... Sheesh!

*grumble* gotta get up early every stupid day and brave atlanta traffic now :\

I'm trying to get outta here so I can go code on our project at home instead of under these brain-frying lights!
