Friday, March 14th, 2003: Joining the Army? Really?

White Ninja is stuck on Hoth To current comic And the Moral of the Story Is...

Especially the Stegosaurus!
2003-03-13 22:42:29
by: apon

So, about that title. I don't always take everything Thomas says at face value, and I'll be rather shocked if he did end up going through with it. I'll be even more shocked if he manages to make it through without a dishonorable discharge.

I'm going to Phoenix at the end of the month for work. By myself. Should be interesting.

I'm really tired...


Service, Wewt.
2003-03-14 23:06:42
by: regolith
I had to create a support ticket to get shell access to the new server, but they activated it and replied within 20 minutes at 11pm! Now I will hopefully be able to get the comic uploading ftp account to upload into the comic images directory. They have the ftp accounts chrooted to a directory under public_html named after the account. If I can't get a soft/hard link to work, I could try naming the upload account "comic" so that it would have its base directory as /comic. Also, switched the comic admin login page to use an http header redirect on login instead of a meta redirect, although now that we've moved from gearhost, logging in seems to go at least twice as fast.


2003-03-15 01:12:43
by: regolith
Web form uploading finally works again!

I deleted the directory that was created to be the ftp's root and made a soft link with the same name that pointed to the comic/rant/avatar image directory (I made 3 ftp accounts). Since the ftp accounts have usernames like [email protected], I couldn't use my old system of having php treat an ftp url like a file (the @ in the username messes it up), so I switched to a more old-school approach where you call functions to connect, log in, chdir, and put a file. It actually made the code smaller, since there isn't/wasn't really a php function for copying a file from one place to another, so I had to load it into memory before and dump it back to the ftp url before, but now I have an ftp_put() function that uploads a file straight to the ftp.

Also, made the rant preview button jump to the previewed rant instead of the top of the page and made the rant post button jump to the bottom of the page...


2003-03-15 01:31:21
by: regolith
I can't check it out before I pass out, but anyone who bothers to read this has about 1.5 days to order anything in-stock from and get 30% off... FYI


2003-03-15 11:16:01
by: apon

Shipping from Planet Anime kills any deals you might be interested in. They only ship UPS, no Priority or Media Mail available, and they charge insane amounts for it -- they charged me $9+ to ship 5 freaking Viz manga! You're better off checking out Right Stuf, Amazon,, and probably a dozen other places before you bother with Planet Anime.


A note for all you Java programmers
2003-03-16 14:11:12
by: apon

When your target platform only supports JDK 1.1.8, don't freaking use library methods that have an entry of "Since: 1.2"!

/me goes back to sobbing
