Monday, September 1st, 2003: On DC You Got to Ride a Raft

09/01/03 01:22:51 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Beat KOTOR as a dark jedi, now I re-started to play light-side. It's somewhat tiring playing video games... *yawn*


Dancing is now Forbidden
09/01/03 07:48:08 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default is now live for your browsing pleasure.


09/01/03 09:01:13 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: big-headed
I bought a leather couch from Rooms-To-Go tonight. $744 couch. Total cost, $900ish after delivery, tax, and a life-time supply of leather conditioner/stain remover... Owel, don't have to pay anything (besides the tax) until July 2005 with no interest adding up until then, either. Sadly, I have to wait 3 weeks until a saturday they can deliver on, since I'll never know when I can take a day off of work. *shrug* I'll just live with my blue recliner for a little while longer. I tried to go to best buy right afterward (8:30pm), but they were closed , so I couldn't buy Soul Calibur 2. Matt says I can get a $10 gift certificate at Circuit City if I buy it there instead, so I guess I'll try that... but not until next weekend, at least. I'm not hurting too badly for entertainment, yet.

Also, while Matt was busy coding his blog-thing, I finished the Archives page! Go click it at the top and relive our greatest moments...


24 is frickin' long!
09/03/03 09:55:38 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: crazy
Seriously, it's like I'm watching every hour of one freakin' day in this guy's life!


I Love Comcast
09/04/03 12:34:11 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

So if you hear something on the news about a Comcast office in suburban Maryland being firebombed, you can rest assured that I had nothing to do with it. Afterall, why would I be upset if I have internet access at home, right? Right?

Seriously, if they don't stop this crap soon I'm going to go completely insane.


No it isn't Yoshimitsu!
09/04/03 12:37:22 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

The 17.5 hours that represent 24 hours actually go by really damn fast. I think the problem is that you're watching them over too long a period of time. When I re-watched season one (on dvd, i might add *glare*) before season two came out I did it in two nights, and the time absolutely whizzed by.


Oh, that reminds me!
09/04/03 02:57:52 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Gotta call comcast and tell them to hurry their billing department to take those charges off so they won't cut off my cable!

Also, you got to watch 24 for free the first time, right? I've been deleting them after watching, and I figure if I want to see it again, I'll get the DVDs, happy?!

Also, my avatar was an happy elf's face ashtray, seen on Check out the cans of freeze-dried raw pork!


09/04/03 03:16:07 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Called comcast. I guess billing still hasn't made up its mind about the charges, though the Customer Quality Executive on the phone said she'd send out a technician Tuesday to "reset" the box. So we'll see how that goes.


The First Time
09/04/03 04:13:24 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Well, technically I compensated them for it by enduring advertising. But I'm just goofing around, it's not like I never watch things from downloads exclusively. You see, I simply believe that everyone should own the DVD set because it is both sweetness and light.

On the billing front, if it makes you feel any better the power company decided bill me an insanely impossible amount for last month -- more than they billed someone I know with a three story house with 8.5x the square footage and three air conditioners! They say they'll look into it. :-/
