Monday, October 20th, 2003: Really, Quit Posting Screenshots

10/20/03 01:57:44 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: cooking
I purchased a book on bread making from Barnes & Noble after going to see Kill Bill on Saturday. As far as I know, there's no bread in KB, but I like bread, so I bought a book on how to make it. Anyway, I made the "First Loaf of Bread" recipe on Sunday, and it came out pretty well! I had peanut butter and marshmallow cream sandwiches for dinner to celebrate! For Saturday's dinner and Sunday's lunch and Monday's lunch, I fried up some chicken tenders with parmesan and oregano added to the dredging mix, and it was good.


Anmari sowasowa shinaide...
10/22/03 02:14:26 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
I had a Urusei Yatsura Movies box set preorder with AnimEigo for two years, but they're cancelling it to dub them each singly :\

Owel, it reminded me to preorder the KOR Movie + OVAs boxset, so I guess we're even!


You'd Better Not Be Lying
10/22/03 03:20:19 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

If you are, I'm going to have to start hurting people.

"At 21, she's older and wiser, and we promise, she won't be tangling with any cougars this year."


Pepco, you are a fucking terrible company
10/22/03 05:26:01 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

Based on their actions, I can only conclude that Pepco is a company of liars and thieves who use their monopoly status to defraud their electricity customers. There is no possible way that I am using as much electricity for cooling and whatnot in my modest 700 square foot apartment as someone I know who owns a 6000 square foot multi-story home less than a mile away. This is completely irrational.


10/22/03 05:50:28 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: big-headed
Maybe it's those 12 computers you have on all the time? ;) Well, my power bill is lower than ever before, now that I have the a/c turned off... I'm still waiting on my cable bill, so I can see if they left any of my refunds out and then pounce on them! Comcast's customer service at least answers the phone quickly enough that wasting their time (money!) with requests isn't so boring.


10/23/03 02:44:02 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

It's actually less than that; when I switched to being responsible for my own electric bill I switched to only leaving constantly used computers on all the time. I also disabled all of my DC apps, so that they wouldn't be constantly loaded. My A/C hasn't been on even once this month, so I'm hopeful that they might actually send me a reasonable bill this time. But I'm not betting on it.


Republicans == Evil
10/23/03 03:32:22 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
In case you had been avoiding Elftor's site since he stopped updating for seemingly months on end, there are some new comics to check out.

I wish there were people who actually read this comic, so I could tell them to go read elftor :(
