Friday, January 21st, 2005: Totally Sucks, BTW

01/20/05 10:26:24 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: happy
Eat them... for the chickens.

Man, not much going on... Doing actual programming at work, instead of making powerpoints or breaking rocks with my pickaxe or somesuch. Only, people keep interrupting me, and I want to punch them. At home, I've been messing around with a Flash-based comic maker that will allow you, our fans, to make awesome comics just like ours on the web! No ETA or anything yet, but it will utilize the magic of XML for storing its structured data! That means it's awesome, right?


Kittens == Good at licking!
01/22/05 06:09:16 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Need a kitty to lick your monitor clean from the inside? Go here! (sfw)

Why did I post this? Who knows!


Flash as collaborative literature
01/22/05 07:01:58 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Someone keeps stealing my letters!

I just spent about an hour, moving letters around with a bunch of other people. Also, a small group of people kept trying to spell COREA... Maybe they were Coreans?
