Friday, February 7th, 2003: The Real Heroes

Science Did It To current comic I Would've Liked to Watch More Than the First 13 Minutes

2003-02-06 23:54:02
by: regolith
whew, finally done... unfortunately, some of my lines got squeezed too tightly when reducing to web size. normally, I use the mouse and a fixed brush width of 4, but now I use the tablet and set the max brush size to 9... guess I need to up the minimum to 3 or something. new hard drive works. tired. bye.


2003-02-07 09:52:09
by: regolith
For some reason I'm not able to get the navigation button images, and I don't know why... I'm pretty sure it was working yesterday, but maybe that was cached? I just checked all the directory access permissions and you anonymous people do have read access to the theme's directory... I went to it in ftp and downloaded the file just fine, but pasting the url into the http address gives me a 404. WTF??? Something is just magically broken for seemingly no reason.


Broken Buttons
2003-02-07 11:06:50
by: apon

The 'No!' image has been broken for me on the admin interface for a while, but I thought that was just an admin thing. Looks like stuff was actually cached tho. I'm a little confused, because when I looked at the page with Kensuke after setting the machine up, the images showed up. The most interesting thing is what Phoenix says when I force the proxy at work to relaod the image rather than sending me a cached one -- The image "" cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.


2003-02-07 12:14:07
by: regolith
Yeah, the admin interface's buttons have been broken since I added themes because the admin side doesn't use the themes. I've been meaning to make the theme stuff also apply to the rant admin stuff, but haven't had much time/energy to devote to it. That's a separate problem from this, though... The images used to work a day or two ago, and now they don't. I haven't touched them, so nothing should have worked differently... Maybe gearhost changed something about the server and now it can't handle directories with a . in them. :(


Snow and such
2003-02-07 12:50:55
by: apon

We got something like 7" of snow last night. It didn't start snowing until a couple of hours later than it was supposed to, but then it really came down. I came in to work anyway, mainly because I didn't want to let the snow get to me like it did last year. I still find the snow highly unpleasant, though.

As for the image problem, could it be a mime type issue? I'm just kinda guessing randomly now.


2003-02-07 18:02:58
by: regolith
Owel, whatever... changed the . to _ and it works... stupid gearhost.

In new computer news, the geforce3 card I ordered came in, which was a complete surprise, cuz they didn't send me an email that it had shipped or anything. They were also the ones I thought would just forget to send anything to me ever... their shopping cart software was quite silly. Not even hosted on their own servers, I think. Wish I knew then that you can generate single-company-use discover card numbers with this stupid app Discover has, called Discover Deskshop. Wondering if there's any other way to do so that doesn't require running an ultra-cool shockwave application.
