Monday, July 7th, 2003: Yum!

Long Live Space Mummy!
07/07/03 12:13:17 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
After cheating some by reloading a few times to kill these statues over and over and get 20xp each, we got Matt's brother up to the right level to use a mace thinghy to kill the mummy that stole all the water because he had chapped lips. And then we killed him again and put his stick on the altar and then I got it before Unu did and it does three magical things! Like a hydrospanner. A hydrospanner with divine powers! Anyway, we drove Matt insane because there was nothing left to kill while we were levelling and he had to run around with his panther and try to push things through mountains.


When All Else Fails, Give Up
07/09/03 12:21:42 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

Upgrade finally completes. Everything is happy, right? Nope. Now Domino won't work right. Can't be made to work right. Fine. Time to give up. The old version's back and everything seems okay. Yay, I guess. Ugh.


Layoff... Schmayoff?
07/09/03 04:04:12 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Due to Logical not having any money at all come in for 6 months and a big contract that just fell through, they layed off 5 people yesterday. I'm not out of a job yet, but that seems to be the direction of things here. I think there are only 4 non-manager regular full-timers left and a couple of contractors. There are also no eligible bachelorettes (or even pretty young wives) to pretty the place up, so it's a quite dreary and quiet.

Anyway, I'm now working on a training course signup page thing, but they haven't yet told me the pricing structure of it all, so I'm going to leave the design quite simple. hopefully I'll have a little something to show at a meeting tomorrow... Ugh.


Real Tales of Survival Horror
07/09/03 07:44:19 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
When I got home today and opened my apartment door, one of those little scorpions that I used to see so little of and which had wedged itself into the door frame for some reason popped out and bounced off my pants leg and into my entryway. Unforunately, I did not have a small cleaning droid to take care of it, so I used my freshly-gotten mail (why haven't the old renters registered their forwarding address yet??) and swept it out onto the porch where I squished it under my heel and kicked it into the grass.

Welp, time for some turkey chili with Tabasco Habanero sauce!


Important Cultural Artifacts
07/10/03 12:09:57 AM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

In the future, scientists will look back and see that we highly prized things like this. They will think us gods.
