Monday, December 22nd, 2003: Our Weekend

Xbox... so... crappy...
12/21/03 10:56:06 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Well, my Xbox died with a dirty disc error every hour or so, but Matt and I finished Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance this weekend. I bought a whole lot of chinese food, too. Anyway, we're (he is) working on a script for our christmas movie, so tune into that below, on the 25th.


Unassailable Evidence
12/24/03 01:50:07 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

I've been doing a bit of reading while I'm on vacation. One of the things I've found is an interesting series of articles written by Walter Williams. They touch on the erosion of our liberties, disregard for the Constitution, the Free State Project, and other issues. They make for a good read.

Part 1: Let's do some detective work
Part 2: Getting back our liberties
Part 3: Parting company is an option


Hooray for vacation!
12/24/03 03:43:30 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Well, i'm off of work until monday, but I haven't really been able to work on the xmas movie all week, so it'll probably be done on or after thursday instead of tonight :\


Happy Delay Day!
12/25/03 11:34:43 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Ok, no xmas miracle for you! I'll be working on the movie some more tonight for a hopeful release friday sometime. Since I have no script for friday, it'll have to do :)

I finished the first scene and took a break to play MGS:Sons of Liberty that Matt got me for xmas, and now it's like 5 hours later. Oddly enough, my xbox didn't complain of a dirty disc even once! Guess it was just Matt's copy of BG...


12/26/03 08:42:32 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: Default

No script for Friday since the movie didn't go up on Thursday. I didn't really see the point in having two new posts in one day; the (numerous!) readers might miss the new comic once it was replaced by the movie! Although at this rate I guess the movie won't be going up until... later? Assuming Justin isn't dead. Oh well, maybe you can see my brilliant boxing day script next year!


I Swear!
12/26/03 11:31:25 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
The movie is done, I'm just working on the site to make it able to post flash files instead of images up in the comic section...
