Monday, November 18th, 2002: Fatigued

Justin's Debut! To current comic Green Alien Murder #1

2002-11-18 18:34:56
by: regolith
Welp, my home connection lasted long enough to upload the comic... hooray!


I didn't do that... I made a different one!
2002-11-18 20:26:13
by: apon

Oh, is that so, young lady? Where is this phantom diorama?


Happy Rain
2002-11-19 08:53:05
by: regolith
Yesterday it was partly cloudy and it took an hour and a half to get to work. Today it was raining and it took about an hour... wtf??


Freedom! (sorta)
2002-11-19 13:58:52
by: DuckPuppy
My last evil project is finally done, in a sense... we still have to "resubmit" to them a "fixed" version of a game that is on shelves but has not, in the official sense, "gone Gold". Not sure how that works, but there we are. As far as we are concerned, it's done and doesn't need to be fixed. *sigh*


Happy No Rain
2002-11-20 09:30:01
by: regolith
Well, no rain today, and it was faster than yesterday... So I guess everyone tries to go my way monday and decides never to do it again that week. Cool!

Finally got mysql to work when installing from binaries on RH8... had to do some permissions stuff and MAKE A LINK from /tmp/mysqld.sock -> /var/lib/mysql/mysqld.sock... and it still doesn't seem to work from apache and I have to find out how to start apache on startup..... *sigh*


2002-11-20 13:56:10
by: regolith
So... gave up and reinstalled RH8 with apache + php + mysql packages checked, but it didn't make the default databases for mysql, and php was missing the mysql functions. Found the program to generate the default DBs and got the php source and compiled it as CGI since RH didn't give me the apache source. Now it all works together (or at least gives every sign of doing so) and I can work...


Primed Water
2002-11-20 14:22:02
by: apon

Water -- wish I had some. Broken water mains suck.

Prime -- I've been playing for three or four hours, and it's very fun so far. The only complaint I have is the controls -- Halo perfected FPS controls on the console, so could somebody tell me why i can't fucking strafe or aim up and down without stopping what I was already doing? Didn't think so. Maybe Jack was suffering from taco poisoning when they were designing the control scheme or something...


Prime Addendum
2002-11-20 16:27:55
by: apon

If I ever find out who decided to make a giant circular room with a giant fucking annoying plant who won't leave mirrors alone in an FPS where you can't fucking circle strafe, I'm going to beat them about the head until delicious, delicious candy comes out!


Steel Battalion == pretty
2002-11-21 16:48:27
by: DuckPuppy
Wow... just watched somebody play Steel Battalion here at work (DLP projection screen, surround sound in the conference room). He wouldn't let anyone else play, but he promised to later. The box alone is HUGE, and the instruction manual rivals the most complex microwave manual, including ALL the language translations therein. Forget playing out of the box, because "what the hell does THIS button do" is a common occurance otherwise, and there is NO training... there's an enemy mech waiting right outside the doors of the mech garage at the beginning of the first mission, and from there on you better know what does what. There are SWITCHES on the controller that are for nothing more than TURNING ON THE SYSTEMS. Nothing else. You flip them once per mission, right at the start... but it FEELS good, like you're awakening some primordial beast to go and rain fiery justice on the infidels. Or something. Foot pedals, massive controller... I just have to figure out how to mount one on my couch and I'm set.
