Friday, December 20th, 2002: Wissenschaftsgesellschaft

Omaha Steaks To current comic Future Echoes

No, YOU Rant!
2002-12-20 10:21:57
by: regolith
Welp, my cdjapan order should be on a plane to america by now, I guess... Let's see what customs has to say about my Yokohama Kaidashi Kikou CD!

Also, tokyopop has sent the first part of my massive order, but there's some manga in there that are 2 books after the last book I have, so I can't even read them :(

Matt is also on a plane about now, I guess, flying down here to Atlanta to hang out and make quality comics all weekend! (j/k) If I can stay awake enough to drive, we'll go to dinner and LotR:TTT with at least one other friend from Tech. And then we'll make quality comics! (j/k)


2002-12-20 14:44:52
by: apon

I forgot I was supposed to rant and decided to sleep instead. I'll write something about the cute girl who spent 2/3rds of the plane flight sleeping with her head on my shoulder at some point in the future. Until then, remind Justin to try to be even a little comprehensible on the phone, please.
