Monday, January 20th, 2003: Ladies Appreciate a Good Kamen

Boothead and the Girl To current comic A Good Kamen Brings Evil To Its Knees

Sick! But Strangely Compelling...
2003-01-20 02:31:12
by: regolith
Oh, my... I really like this one right now, but maybe I'm deleriously tired.

Happy MLK day! 40 years ago today, Martin Luther King Junior died fighting the commies so that we could all be free and elect Republicans.

I've been working on the comic code behind the scenes and have made themes! Now the current style can be immortalized in all the past comics which used it (once Matt makes a new style), and we can have special Valentines day and Kwanzaa themes to mark those occasions that just need special markings, like those noisy Honda Civics they have around here.

Ok, I'm giving up for tonight, bbl.


My Script Had Hordes
2003-01-20 07:36:45
by: apon

But I guess Justin decided hordes just weren't good enough for the comic.

From the title I was expecting the comic to feature Segways. I feel cheated!


Worthless Money
2003-01-21 12:27:04
by: regolith
So I got tired of drawing with a mouse and ordered a small drawing tablet... When it arrives in a week or whenever, my artwork will rival that of Piro!

Also, I bet it's snowing in Maryland, but it's far too warm for such shenanegins down here in Atlanta! Though I think it's going to rain this evening, so my commute will probably take twice as long. *sigh*


2003-01-22 11:59:29
by: apon

Today it has been very cold. How cold, you ask? Cold enough that in the time it took me to walk from the parking lot to the building I work in my hair froze. Not all of it, some had dried completely already, but it was a damn weird sensation.

As for yesterday, yup, it snowed. Though it might have been done by the time Justin posted, I'm not sure. In any event, all the snow on the pavement and cars had melted by the time I went home from work yesterday, so it was one of the least bad snow experiences I've had.

Well, I want to take a nap, but I'm going to write some more Java code instead. Bye!


2003-01-23 09:27:38
by: regolith
So last night, it snowed... And this morning there's ice on the roads! I don't know if there's a connection or something, but sliding around is unfun (except for in the neighborhood, that was kinda fun). Had to drive a couple miles on icy roads since they weren't prepared enough to throw salt (and pebbles?!) on any but the most major roads. :\

Owel, I made it here alright, and Best Buy says they shipped my Donnie Darko DVD a couple days ago, so I guess I'll have that by Friday or Saturday... I want that drawing tablet, though! ...But it's on backorder for a week. :(

tablet! tablet! tablet! tablet! tablet!
