Friday, April 4th, 2003: White Ninja steals elftor's hat and acts saucy

The New Ice Age To current comic Happiness is a Warm Scalp

2003-04-04 00:31:48
by: regolith
I'm at work, working on work. my weekend will be long if I have anything to say about it.


2003-04-04 09:22:58
by: regolith
At work again... Had to work late last night on a demo for today, but it's still not quite done, so I have to work quickly now. Went home at 1:00 am which was coincidentally the same time all the overhead lights shut themselves off and refused to turn on.

This comic was done with my old friend, The GIMP! May I never draw with it again!


2003-04-05 23:55:13
by: apon

It's almost Sunday. My plane leaves in just 10 hours (thanks daylight savings time!). Why am I still at the office?


Yeah, That's Just Great.
2003-04-06 07:57:40
by: apon

So you'd think if your business consisted of shuttling people to and from places, you might have some employees on hand who could perform that function. But I guess that's just wishful thinking.
