Monday, September 20th, 2004: A Friendly Gila Monster Helped Me Do My Laundry

Lazy day...
09/19/04 11:38:29 PM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
Read about saving electricity for some reason late into the night last night, so I woke up at 2pm today and whipped up some heavy whipping cream with my mixer (just to see the process of turning cream into whipped cream) and put it on some cinnamon buns and ate them. Then, my lactose intolerance kicked in and made me sad to have eaten frickin' cream! Then I licked the beater for some more whipped cream as I was putting the excess away. Then I was sad again. For dinner, I felt like eating rice, so I threw some rice and water and salsa and ham and salt into the rice cooker and hit the button. That worked reasonably well, but there were some burned bits of something in it afterwards, so maybe I should've just cooked the rice (and salt) first and added everything afterwards. Anyway, I made way too much rice and ate it all, so I'm wondering what else I can put whipped cream on...


Dada Fishopolis
09/20/04 11:54:42 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: normal
After reading more Dadasaurus Rex, I've come to the conclusion that we need a Dada Fishopolis feature here.


09/22/04 02:21:28 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: flying

And using the image link in the page, you can link to the same image wherever you want. Also, this will link to the newest random comic.

I was hoping this would mean that we could stop making new comics now... if only the random ones weren't so terrible!

Update: This is the least awful one I've found so far. It helps to force a storyline onto it, using your imaginatron. And now, to pass out!


Merchandising Frenzy!
09/23/04 08:50:36 PM  <link>
by: apon - mood: chaos

Ryan totally needs to come out with a sexy sticker and or t-shirt that reads "I RUINED THE LIFE OF AN IMAGINARY CHILD". If he doesn't we might just have to!

I'm at work, working on work, rather than at home, scripting a script. We'll see if I magically manage to write one or if Justin manages to lazily post something dada generates magically do one of his own!
