Monday, July 17th, 2006
Bank of America's Most Wanted 1
regolith Celebration
07/17/06 02:03:43 AM  <link>
by: regolith - mood: cooking-with-gas
It's here again, guys! Matt's birthday is sometime this week, so I gave him the most-excellent present of not having to write any scripts this week! Sure, writing DrF scripts is the only bright spot in his otherwise dreary existence, but I said to him, "man, I'll write the scripts this week. you just relax. you're welcome, dude!"

Did a little more tinkering with DrF on Rails this weekend. Made my first plugin... Using someone else's code... Made my first unit tests. Made the archive page. Got started on editing rants, but got distracted by theming the login page. Probably won't actually use DrF on Rails while we're on dreamhost, since the only real option on their shared hosting servers is fast-cgi under apache, which is supposedly somewhat unstable. Maybe someday we'll get some kind of virtual private server and can set up a more rails-friendly configuration.
