Friday, April 12th, 2002: Touching Up the Paint on the Ponies

Pedestrian Fatalities To current comic Ice Water

Brought to you by Prancing Ponies
2002-04-12 00:11:47
by: apon

I am saddened to see that the prancing ponies are apparently no more. But they'll prance on forever in our hearts.

Another link to Dr. Lobster, since the redesign that would give us somewhere better to put these links is still languishing.

Anyway, this comic has been far too much effort. I'm gonna go pass out. Maybe Regolith will add something interesting in this space once he actually wakes up.


Stupid Gearhost
2002-04-12 13:11:27
by: regolith
I want to put up the code to do our links section, but is down. I guess they're either messing with their control panel or burning all their secret documents. :\
Nicely enough, drf is up, but I can't alter the database without their phpMyAdmin unless I want to just do it in a one-off php script and I don't care that much. (see how much we deserve to be your fan page, mike and jake?)
Anyway, I'm going home to setup dad's new computer, so I'll be back sometime, hopefully tonight. Maybe I can get some Taco Bell out of the deal! Mmm, Taco Bell... Maybe we can be a TB fansite, too!


Linkage Patch Applied
2002-04-13 00:48:41
by: regolith
All links all the time!
Somehow I can't make the columns take an equal amount of space. I guess I'll keep working on it. Or not.


2002-04-13 01:33:09
by: apon

It's fair use, I tell you. Fair use! No, I won't tell you what part of fair use doctrine our use falls under. But it does!


Equal Linkage for Equal Thievery!
2002-04-13 23:32:23
by: regolith
Added code to calculate the width="nn%" for each links section, so now we're even steven... quite.
